Cock And Tail Created by Oregonleatherboy

Cock And Tail

Created by Oregonleatherboy

When the Hummer pulled up in front of his face the first impression was fear of being arrested by an undercover FBI agent. Shaded windows that creepy clandestine conspiracies of paranoid druggies and criminal creeps try to not be caughtNot long into an addicts career of copping chemicals does the draconian drug laws create cause for a subculture code for cool kat conduct and protection from Po-Po warning vehicles like this a No-No unless a brotha wants to go-Go to the slammerStepping back from the curb into the alley. Stumbling over a homeless person wrapped in old sections of the newspaper catching self from falling with a large arm.
Swooping the shocked body from being another of gravities over use of force and the human skins tendency to tear, bruise or be tenderly touched by soft skin of swooperhero savior.Set down onto a warmed leather passenger seat of that beastly environmental raping Republican rich-bitch tank size SUV wrapping wet body in pre-warmed leatherDoor slammed as world spun around in drunken delirium. Smells of new car leather, cologne and cum fill the pants
Driver-side door swings open to the sight of an attractive man. A flood of memories retrieved in flashes of a two or three hour fun as fuck, flirtatious flurry of free drinks delivered by this dude whose birth name was 'Daddy'"Oh yeah, almost forgot about meeting Daddy. D-d-daddy, is that really your name? Fuck, I'm drunk so much thanks all 12 dri
PPPimp art created by Oregonleatherboy

nks on your tab... do I owe money? D-d-d ad, is that really your... Whoa, I might puke .?"
"Yes that is my name Shit-faced son. Very welcome young man, it was on 2 drinks haha and drugs Daddy slipped into cocktails diverting attention by grabbing cock and squish-tush tail.
Looking through rear-view into the backseat at the bf of drugged-drunk dude. Passenger's head rolling easily around. Mouth breathing heavy with puffy closed eyes sealed into subconscious sedation of substance comaPeering into rear the squiggling worried wiggle of a worm who has worn out welcome as bf to brainchild of underground Unconscious internet indoctrination
Passing under city lights gave quick glimpses of gimped out goon in gay gestating for goonification wrapped in tight-leather cocoon Frightened features form on the sealed super-tight bondage wimpification womb
Daddy carried drugged dreamer wrapped in his black leather coat he wore at club garnering compliments. Charmed skin talismanipulation tanned with ancient sorcery.

Carrying into downstairs dungeon den gently pulling back a fur hide carefully laying passed out body underneath. Retrieving leather jacket he tosses it on fitting snuggly compared to latter whose body drowned in plush bear-sized gear. Daddy learned how to tan magical masterbation sensational sexualization slutification spell to skin leather
Smoke sells out subconscious subsuming unconscious under controlWith all the might of mankind wilting into worship after weaned of willpower in war where weak are wavering