Hypnosis, Brainwashing & Indoctrination Correlation & Differences

 Animation of indoctrinated man in a square spiral go figure

Hypnosis, Brainwashing, & Indoctrination Correlation & Differences

Created by Oregonleatherboy 

Oregonleatherballs wearing a black leather hat bearded and blowing out smoke while winking at the camera face only

Heightened suggestibilityAll three induce a state of increased susceptibility to external suggestions or influences.
Hypnosis is consent-based, while brainwashing and indoctrination are coercive.
PurposeHypnosis aims to facilitate positive change or therapeutic outcomes, while brainwashing and indoctrination aim to control or manipulate individuals.
TechniqueHypnosis uses suggestion and relaxation, brainwashing uses coercion and psychological manipulation, and indoctrination uses subtle, long-term exposure to specific beliefs and values.
DurationHypnosis is temporary, while brainwashing and indoctrination are intended to create long-lasting changes in beliefs and behavior.
Ethical concernHypnosis is generally considered ethical when used responsibly, while brainwashing and indoctrination raise significant ethical concerns about autonomy and human rights.

Diamond-shaped cut out of brainwashed handsome man with smaller sideways square in center left blank