Created by Oregonleathe
Mass Persuasion Mass hypnosis Mass Influence Mass Control Unbridled Power is all we (as in me) want Big Deal?!?!? Some liberals have to squeal while we feed them shit meal fuck the way they feel. Soon all of humanity will see why Trump appeals when the mind control cements and seals as the majority kneels at Trump's boot 👢 heels. Willingly offering autonomy to power (Frankel, 2002) Child abuse or trauma causing a lifelong (Ferenczi’s 1933) Compares outcome of childhood trauma (Frankel, 2015a) (Ferenczi, 1933) (Anna Freud’s 1936) Children experiencing abandonment from an attachment figure feel emotional Anna dment , at pl99X
(Frankel, 2015b; and see Kohut, 1972; Tomkins, 1987) Gurevich, 2015; Lahav, Talmon, Ginzburg & Spiegel, 2019), Añchoring 🔱⚓ Future pacing Repetition Pattern Interrupts Hypnotic suggestive phrases Names two problems Gets crowd to nod head three or four times Thought-ending Cliches | “Master Persuader” public mental masterbator who manipulates the mind With mystical dark magic of the psyche Scott Adams “Win Bigly” influenced (Koritar 2022) to put together research psychoanalyzing Trump’s hypnotic techniques Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Is Evil (And Why You Should Follow His Lead) Trump repeats the ultra-simple toddler level rhetoric incessantly involving as much omnipotent ambiguity from his cold illuminati pacemaker to anyone listenings beating heart. Is This the Worst Explanation for Why Trump Won? By VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN Trump is the Alpha Master to all apprentices down beneath The Donald It are beneath Trump it does agree It always whatagrees with authority impoverished Trump is a Master illusionist who hypnotizes (Prince 202 | |
In the case of Trump supporters believing that he can still run for president of the United states. The felony plus numerous criminal charges filed will play out in court for years. | Why would it not disbar someone from Presidency of the U.S.? A felony is the reason a large portion of people are disenfranchised from voting | |
"The word compromise is absolutely fine. But if you are going to compromise, ask for about three times more than you want. You understand? So when you compromise, you get what you want.” The Constitution does not have any clauses that prevent a felony from being the country's leader. As Trump reminded if he were to be elected in November he would "control the justice department" When cases came across his desk in his own words "he just dismisses the case” (Frankel 2002) (Frankel 2015) | The good folks of to the United States of Trump The grandiosity that Trump’s bandwagon of brainwashing🎯 propoganda-puking 🍷 pill 💊 pushing 💉 post-apocalypse psychopathic piss lovers have been working the media for at leas | |
Not only this Trump could pardon himself of all 40 federal indictments as well as 34 felony criminal charges. Disqualification from Public Office Under the 14th Amendment By Laura Temme, Esq. | Legally reviewed by Steven J. Ellison, Esq. | | Elite Theory involves an autocratic government without opposition which is governed by the wealthiest amongst us. Decisions regarding everything in the hands of the 1% rich white patriarchy power perverts | |
The forefathers did provide a section three to the fourteenth amendment which states "insurrection or rebellion" toward the United states disbars from holding government office. | “Interjection and transference” (Ferenczi’s 1909) An explanation into hypnosis stating a person being inducted regresses back to childhood either seeking the maternal bond transference or love fulfilled between attachment figure and self. This allows for the imagination to fulfill fantasized longing for omnipotence. This is conditioned passively while the following relationship to father is aggressively implanted. Transference to paternal figure involves a need to submit to authority | |
January 26, 2021 Trump did that to the touting his power and influence in a mockery of the United states R | Media has groomed the public to live in an altered state of self-deception that satiates the socially trained need for self-gratification. This hedonistic vacuum is fulfilled by consuming through purchase in commercial environment (Boorstin 1961) or this fulfilling of the dopamine demand can be met for free by the poor, unintelligent and/or authoritarian personality who are led by default to the man given the free spectacle away. (Hedges 2009) Entitlement hunger cultivated by the mogul that can feed the craving at a cost. Only the price of autonomy. | |
Trump like a Svengali Mario And The Magician (Thomas Mann 1929) | ” people do what he tells them to do. “I’m a leader,” “I’ve always been a leader. I’ve never had any problem leading people. If I say do it, they’re going to do it.” “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks—although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.” | |
“everybody loves me” R “everybody loves me" “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” How To Get Rich (2004)“I don’t think science knows, actually,” he added. Did Trump & Co Use Hypnotic Suggestions to Prime the Mob? Lisa Morgan Jan 17, 2021 | Did Trump & Co Use Hypnotic Suggestions to Prime the Mob? Lisa Morgan Jan 17, 2021 Yes Master Trump, we the American footstools "What a thing is imagination! Here are men who don't know me, who have never seen me, but who only knew of me, and they are moved by my presence, they would do anything for me! And this same incident arises in all centuries and in all countries! Such is fanaticism! Yes, imagination rules the world. The defect of our modern institutions is that they do not speak to the imagination. By that alone can man be governed; without it he is but a brute” -Napoleon Bonaparte | |
Donald Trump's strange handshake style and how Justin Trudeau beat it – video David Fanner | "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard", he proclaimed: "And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” I describe the state of hypnosis as acquiring a power. The subject has all of his regular faculties operating plus he gains some more, if he has no objection to those new powers. For example, a subject under hypnosis would get a little extra power in one or more of these areas: 1. Extra relaxation 2. Extra imagination 3. Extra focus Those extra powers don’t sound like much, but they are. … About one person in five can experience what hypnotists call “the phenomena.” For those people, their powers of imagination become so strong it is almost indistinguishable from reality. Key word: Imagination. |