Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat Talking About Evolution

 Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat Talking About Evolution

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

I talk about evolution like it's like it's like I'm saying the word mother nature. I talk about evolution as if it had the wisdom of what the Bible says God has. But the Bible doesn't actually does it say that God is wise, at all. It doesn't it just a God is omnipotent.

It seems like when I was learning about the Bible that God had little interest in knowledge God was also very short on advice most of the time

God was full of dramatic flair. If God was malleable meaning it could change depending on the culture that was worshiping it My impression when I read the Bible was that God was cold and mean.

And Jesus was the bomb diggity bringing in salvation and doing basically

all the stuff his father wasn't necessarily getting to In fact, if you want to move past the Bible, even in the modern times

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

you have to wonder with such powerful omnipotence and love for his toys he created here on Earth. There's a lot that God still could do or is God just as helpless as we are in the whole process?

I don't I guess I need to clarify whether Christianity means to people that God is a part of the driving force of of our life.

Or is God a savior? He's not though. That's the thing. The Bible makes it clear that God is cold. If you go to the Bibles before the Bible's like the Book of Enoch, the cousin cousin mobogenie stuff, cosmology, stuff,

right Which seems to split slightly from their Christian view in that though universe was around before God whereas the Christian view is that God created the universe

So I wonder if people think that God has power or perhaps that our faith in him is his power. Therefore, our power also as practicing Christians, which I'm not but just saying Where God loses merit with me a bit is if his its existence more palpable even in small ways, like they're not being cancer or murder or rape or you know all the goodies that us humans brought in our bag from the Garden of Eden But that also, I can't help but want to fire the head gardener of Eden because if this tree of knowledge were so freakin big of a deal, like the atomic bomb for humanity, the bleeding pussy of women for eternity. Why didn't they have a barbed wire fence around it or something? I mean, God is so wise although we're still questioning this where was the fence around the tree of knowledge? Or is it just like willy nilly? Like, because it seems like that would be teasing people otherwise, you're like, Oh, we got this right here. You know, you don't want it because um, but that's not even

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat animation
Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

how like Christianity or religion thinks anymore because knowledge is just a peachy nowadays. I mean, we send our kids to school and being wise is you know, it's vital. Otherwise, I would think wouldn't. We want to be going back towards the direction that's away from the tree of knowledge and maybe like, not be sending our children to school and dumbing everybody down again to like to you know, get back to the garden.

How is embracing knowledge and not being a sinner? possible in that regard, I feel maybe that Christianity sets its followers up for failure often that way.

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat red

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

you have to wonder with such powerful omnipotence and love for his toys he created here on Earth. There's a lot that God still could do or is God just as helpless as we are in the whole process?

I don't I guess I need to clarify whether Christianity means to people that God is a part of the driving force of of our life.

Or is God a savior? He's not though. That's the thing. The Bible makes it clear that God is cold. If you go to the Bibles before the Bible's like the Book of Enoch, the cousin cousin mobogenie stuff, cosmology, stuff,

right Which seems to split slightly from their Christian view in that though universe was around before God whereas the Christian view is that God created the universe

So I wonder if people think that God has power or perhaps that our faith in him is his power. Therefore, our power also as practicing Christians, which I'm not but just saying Where God loses merit with me a bit is if his its existence more palpable even in small ways, like they're not being cancer or murder or rape or you know all the goodies that us humans brought in our bag from the Garden of Eden But that also, I can't help but want to fire the head gardener of Eden because if this tree of knowledge were so freakin big of a deal, like the atomic bomb for humanity, the bleeding pussy of women for eternity. Why didn't they have a barbed wire fence around it or something? I mean, God is so wise although we're still questioning this where was the fence around the tree of knowledge? Or is it just like willy nilly? Like, because it seems like that would be teasing people otherwise, you're like, Oh, we got this right here. You know, you don't want it because um, but that's not even how like Christianity or religion thinks anymore because knowledge is just a peachy nowadays. I mean, we send our kids to school and being wise is you know, it's vital. Otherwise, I would think wouldn't. We want to be going back towards the direction that's away from the tree of knowledge and maybe like, not be sending our children to school and dumbing everybody down again to like to you know, get back to the garden.

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

How is embracing knowledge and not being a sinner? possible in that regard, I feel maybe that Christianity sets its followers up for failure often that way.

I mean, you can't have your cake and eat it too, Right? you you can't be cursed for an eternity for the action of your mother and father. wouldn't the father of all know that, or expect that or. Do not per se because in my mind, God cannot exist and still serve a purpose for people. The purpose basically is a lot like sticking your head in the sand. Filling in the gaps through faith is like This is like driving to work without filling your gas tank

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

So main takeaway points from this inquisitive meandering would be did God exist before the universe? Or did God make the universe Why

would God's existence make a difference to humanity and our daily lives if we never conjured up the notion of a God at all conjured up the notion of a God at all. Why is God just a band aid to the unknown? A call going to fill the hole that will eternally be void. Because there's no doubt that by the time you find out what is true about God you're going to be dead and by that point even if it doesn't transpire into a whole heavenly moment, you're gonna be nothing. And that, to me might be God. The idea of not existing at all is a little bit unsettling. And at the same time, it's it's comforting compared to the nine infernos of how or the big waiting moment of Will I get into heaven or not To me in that regard religions a little bit like a game show. And it really depends on which game show you're going to because sometimes I sin is going to put you in hell forever. Unless your purse say a Trinitarian or some word that I'm making up but it's probably a thing a Trinitarian a Trinitarian Rastafari has different rules than say a Episcopalian Catholic, I don't know if that's the thing either. But until there's a common lexicon for what exactly God is and does, how he it she happened and really love what its purposes in our life aside from feeding our lifelong inner child and fear of deaths and the unknown because no doubt it is scary to think that this is all we have. And then after that it's just game over do not hit go do not pass go and collect 200 I mean, eventually maybe, but never you again as your energy disperses, I don't think it huddles together like although I'd like to think that I'm loyal I just definitely don't think my atoms are going to stick together after they don't have the magnetic buoyancy of my whole sodium potassium trade off Did you know that your cell has water inside of it and there's water outside of a cell in every single cell in our body, and they can't cross the barrier of the cell unless there's a positive charge on one side and a negative charge on the inside. And the positive charge is caused by potassium and the negative charge is caused by

That's why these minerals are so important in our diet and exchange of water between the cell wall is called osmosis.

And as Moses happens due to a very intricate and. nuanced process of creating perfect equilibrium inside and outside of every single cell in our body.

Otherwise, our cells would all cave in or blow up if they got too much water in them. This process of osmosis, which happens in our body throughout our entire lifecycle

is similar to the Earth's carbon oxygen cycle. And just as our bodies cells would have hydrolysis or a hydro blast if there wasn't that balance of the minerals, sodium and potassium

Bearded Oregonleatherboy Overt Cartoonish & Creepy Blowing Smoke Wearing Leather Vest,Gloves and Hat

ice ages occur when the earth is not in balance of its carbon and its oxygen in a very similar manner to our osmosis with potassium and sodium. I always thought that was kind of cool. Also that there's this our body has 70% Water 30% material. The Earth has 70% ocean and 30% Land We are not so different from Mother Nature And yet we're so different from the God who made us Which makes me have to ask if maybe God and evolution are being confused