Submission, Coercion And Isolation
Writ by Oregonleatherboy
Coercion is the act of forcing someone to do something. It can be done through physical force, emotional manipulation, or other means.
Coercion is a form of manipulation that can be used to control people's thoughts and actions. It can be done through:
emotional manipulation,
physical force
Or other forceful means.
Coercion is often used in order to get people to do things they would not otherwise do.
The correlation between subjugation and isolation is a complex topic that has been studied extensively in the fields of psychology, sociology, and political science. At its core, subjugation refers to the act of dominating or controlling another person or group, while isolation refers to the state of being separated from others. In many cases, subjugation can lead to isolation, as those who are being controlled may be cut off from social networks and support systems.
There are several ways in which subjugation can lead to isolation. One of the most common is through physical isolation, where individuals or groups are physically separated from others as a means of control. This can take many forms, including imprisonment, forced relocation, or even the use of solitary confinement.
Another way that subjugation can lead to isolation is through social isolation. This occurs when individuals or groups are cut off from their social networks and support systems as a means of control. This can take many forms, including:
limiting access to communication channels such as phones or the internet
restricting access to information
or even using propaganda to control what people think and believe.

A third way that subjugation can lead to isolation is through psychological isolation. This occurs when individuals or groups are made to feel alone and powerless through psychological manipulation. This can take many forms, including:
gaslighting (where an individual is made to doubt their own perceptions and memories),
brainwashing (where an individual's beliefs and values are systematically altered),
and other forms of psychological abuse.
In summary, there is a clear correlation between subjugation and isolation. Subjugation can lead to physical, social, and psychological isolation as a means of control. Understanding this correlation is important for understanding how power dynamics work in society and how they can be used to manipulate and control individuals and groups.
Submission, coercion, and isolation are all related in the context of abusive relationships. Submission refers to the act of yielding to the will of another person, often out of fear or a desire to avoid conflict. Coercion is the use of force or threats to make someone do something they don't want to do. Isolation is the act of cutting someone off from their support network, leaving them vulnerable and dependent on the abuser.
In an abusive relationship, submission can be a way for the victim to avoid further harm. They may feel that if they comply with their abuser's demands, they will be less likely to experience physical or emotional violence. However, this submission can also lead to a cycle of abuse where the victim becomes more and more dependent on their abuser.
Coercion can also play a role in abusive relationships. The abuser may use threats or force to make the victim comply with their demands. This can include physical violence, emotional manipulation, or financial control.
Isolation is another tactic that abusers use to maintain control over their victims. By cutting them off from their friends and family, the victim becomes more dependent on the abuser for emotional support and companionship. This can make it harder for them to leave the relationship and seek help.
Authoritative sources
The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides information on different types of abuse, including coercion and isolation:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a page on intimate partner violence that includes information on how isolation can be used as a form of abuse:
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has resources on power and control in abusive relationships, including how submission can be used to maintain control:
"The Relationship Between Social Isolation and Subjugation: A Review of the Literature" by Sarah E. Johnson and Laura A. Levenson, published in the Journal of Social Issues.
"The Psychology of Power and Subjugation" by Philip G. Zimbardo, published in the American Psychologist.
"Isolation and Subjugation: The Effects of Totalitarianism on the Human Psyche" by Robert Jay Lifton, published in the Journal of Psychohistory.